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- 1879
- 875
- 291
- 437
- 150
- 1073
- 1290
- 225
- 787
- 503
- 83
- 588
- 498
- 1434
- 1036
- 1233
- 26
- 1703
- 694
- 1220
- 748
- 1872
- 489
- 1327
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- 819
- 322
- 1601
- 1841
- 958
- 1582
- 664
- 1764
- 131
- 1692
- 1890
- 1022
- 1011
- 367
- 697
- 1397
- 1226
- 1941
- 56
- 1054
- 1357
- 435
- 1034
- 222
- 22
- 924
- 854
- 1132
- 1004
- 1803
- 1111
- 1497
- 497
- 472
- 1904
- 1186
- 663
- 1126
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- 1835
- 1670
- 906
- 1542
- 136
- 1478
- 1684
- 853
- 51
- 476
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- 1386
- 598
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- 1887
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- 936
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- 1810
- 633
- 1128
- 780
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- 540
- 463